Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Untold Truth about Rank & College Predictors; Don't get fooled!

Rank and College predictors have mushroomed over a period of time prying on hapless candidates. We thought we will write about the truth behind most the rank predictors that is available on the internet. To be frank no one can predict your rank or college based on last year's data.  So please do not get fooled by the accuracy of these online tools.

Can anyone predict rank or college?

No, it is extremely difficult for anyone to predict rank based on last year's data. There are lot of factors that is used to determine the current year rank. The rank predictors out there can just estimate you rank based on last year's data. So do not be a fool thinking that data from the rank predictors can guess your rank. No, it is not possible. Even the best rank predictors out there cannot do that. They can only guess.

Mathrubhumi, Brilliant Pala and ACETVM started the predictors on an experimental basis, but they took the predictors off their site/disabled the tool realizing that it is not possible to predict the future data based on past data.

What are the factors behind determining true rank?

There are many factors that will be used to calculate ranks. Only CEE has access to this data and only they can officially publish the ranks.
  • Your Class 12 syllabus and statistical performance data of all the eligible students (for Engineering)
  • Difficulty level of KEAM 2016 paper including the number of invalid questions removed (all)
  • Number of candidates under each reservation (all)
  • NEET exam performance (for MBBS & BDS)
  • NATA exam performance (for Architecture)
  • Several other factors including change in government notification, addition of new colleges etc

How do the rank predictors work?

Based on our study we found that there are 3 different kind of rank predictors available on the internet. Needless to say none of them can predict accurate ranks. 
  1. The tool matches your KEAM marks to available KEAM rank vs mark data. Please note that CEE stopped publishing marks and ranks way back in 2011. Some of the rank predictors still use 2011 data to predict rank. The results from these predictors will be way off from your actual ranks. Some of the predictors like Brilliant Pala do not even consider class 12 marks for Engineering ranks.
  2. More advanced rank predictors somehow gather the KEAM Marks/Rank data from sample pool of candidates and then they extrapolate the data using statistical formula. Some of them also take into account Class 12 statistics published by CEE. These rank predictors could guess the rank based on last year's data. But the actual current year's rank would vary because several factors mentioned in the above section is not considered.
  3. There are group of sites hosted by popular companies with dummy pages just to get hold of web traffic. These sites collect you data like name, roll number etc. Please do not give your roll number, application number and name to any sites. 
So what should you do?

We have reviewed and linked to several rank predictors on this sites like Parinama Insights, KEAM Helper, ACETVM etc. These are only for reference and your benefit. Please use the data only for estimation. Do not get obsessed with the accuracy of the data because none of them can be accurate. The reason is simple, these websites do not have access to all the factors that is required to determine rank or college. 

So please focus on other things and reach out to your teachers, parents and Kerala CEE for authentic news, career advice and ranks.  Do not let the rank predictor websites fool you.

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